
Stereoscopy enables - in contrast to two-dimensional imaging techniques - a real perception of the space instead of an imagined one.



  - Shooting(German)
Framing (to be completed)
Playback (to be completed)



The 3 Golden Rules are design guidelines, which should be followed when shooting, framing and projecting of stereoscopic images in order to ensure the most natural and comfortable 3D viewing experience for the audience.


3 Golden Rules


 - Shooting Rule
 - Framing Rule

 - Playback Rule



With the DGS Quality Standard all major error tolerances for 3D productions are summarized.


Quality Standard (in German)



If you want to submit a presentation for a DGS event (DGS Congress or 3D-Tag), please consider our author notes:


Advice for Authors



The DGS stereo base calculator is a smartphone WebApp that calculates  an appropriate stereo base in any situation. Of course, it can also be used here in the browser.


Stereo base calculator
